Last Friday we celebrated CME day at Infosys. It was fully a fun filled event that day.
The practise sessions were so funny. We danced for a medley of chinamma,yammadi and rukmani as a folk one and western comprised of ada gada and bachna ae haseeno.
Then the gradn finale song was another medley comprising of Lucky boy, naaka mooka, pappu cant dance sala and atelugu song.. esply the telugu song was a full funny..
Our folk performance was not that good as i already knew.. it was of liek OK kinda performance.. since we werent comfortable with the costume and we also had lot of feedback regarding the costumes..total sodhapals.. fine lets make it big(nice) next time
Western was good except for some few mistake... the finale song was too good of all the dances but it seemed to be lil clumsy i guess......
Saturday happened to perform for Family day celebrations , for which we repeated the same dance we performed for Mcity day.. same partner song and taxi taxi fusion and naaka mooka...
the first one i did wel.. naaka mooka i learrnt it only the day b4 the event so was not that confident.. seemed to be not sure of the steps and did few mistakes
My mom, my best critic for whatever i do gave lots a comments for both the performances and finally rated as 8 and 6 for both the dances in order...
Family visited infy,shols for the family day celebrations...
Dark knight film was screened at infy on that day..
Received many appreciations, few negative comments, few criticism... though we made it.. it wud make up our potential and help us to do better next time..
hoope to perform soon...
The practise sessions were so funny. We danced for a medley of chinamma,yammadi and rukmani as a folk one and western comprised of ada gada and bachna ae haseeno.
Then the gradn finale song was another medley comprising of Lucky boy, naaka mooka, pappu cant dance sala and atelugu song.. esply the telugu song was a full funny..
Our folk performance was not that good as i already knew.. it was of liek OK kinda performance.. since we werent comfortable with the costume and we also had lot of feedback regarding the costumes..total sodhapals.. fine lets make it big(nice) next time
Western was good except for some few mistake... the finale song was too good of all the dances but it seemed to be lil clumsy i guess......
Saturday happened to perform for Family day celebrations , for which we repeated the same dance we performed for Mcity day.. same partner song and taxi taxi fusion and naaka mooka...
the first one i did wel.. naaka mooka i learrnt it only the day b4 the event so was not that confident.. seemed to be not sure of the steps and did few mistakes
My mom, my best critic for whatever i do gave lots a comments for both the performances and finally rated as 8 and 6 for both the dances in order...
Family visited infy,shols for the family day celebrations...
Dark knight film was screened at infy on that day..
Received many appreciations, few negative comments, few criticism... though we made it.. it wud make up our potential and help us to do better next time..
hoope to perform soon...