It was for few reasons that I had opted for a transfer to Hyderabad, Infy Hyderabad. Always it had been a very great challenge for me to stay away from home withjout certain things.. be it the supportive and caring family, my comfortable zone, food etc..
But it was a time to start to a new place which I was not even visited once in my lifetime. I donno what dragged me to the pearl city but it was all set to leave. i had no other options left out rather going there. So started hyderabad with heavy hearted. Its true i guess whenever u could not express your feeling through words tears speaks it all for u....
Reached hyd, dhinesh picked me at the bus stop and took me to his flat. Already 5 people were sharin the flat and now I am overburden there.
Life it all sucks......... it was seemed to be hard there without family, my very own home sweet home....I missed a lot like anything... fucking time
Be it the bed cofee mom gave me everyday, lovable breakfast, cheered up faces, chit chats all came b4 my eyes and my eyes got filled with more than it could hold the amount of water...
I still remembered taht i always used to fight with my sis possessing my room and i always try not to get otehrs into my room... always i had stressed My room , my room... but now where is that so called My room... ha ha whatte lessons..
What a monotonous routin .. have to get up like a mad dog, make my hot water to bath, brush, managing to get some breakfast at andhra horrible mess or Infy canteen or britannia biscuit and boost of course.. it was the secret of my energy at that time..and ofcourse lunch time will come , fuck i had no any crap option rather eating at infy food court. Most of the time avoided lunch. Dhinesh used to bring me lunch sometimes cooked by himself and dinner ofcourse bread and biscuits again or noodles.. thanks for maggi, top ramen etc
I even tried cooking cooking .. OMG it was total comedy cum tragedy...I donno how mom manage to cook at home.. trust i cooked a potato fry for 1.5 hrs
i always wondered whether separation would really make a person sick yes ofcourse it is so i guess .. sickoning really.. I felt i burnt my ass myself
I could see many people left their hoem and adapting to a room or mansion culture for the sake of the job they do.. i always wondered y is it so tough to gain our dailyhood compensating so much stuffs.. is that reeally necessary to compensate.. i donno... leaving family,friends workign somewhere which u are not even familiar with and neither the language... but one thing to say when everyone do so why ws it so tough for me alone.......Is it that for me alone/everyone feels so/ am I being so kiddish that i coudnt accept the reality.......... hell with those thing.. let it be any crap
Trust me the very first day i went there i jsut felt like when I wud get rid off this place.. I was literally crying........hmmm fucking time had the power of converting u to get used to the situations.. slowly i got used to the so called life style
* late night sleep
*no bed coffee at all
*hardly some breakfast
Phone conversations with mom and da
*chat converstations thru net.. thanska ton to gtalk,yahoo messenger etc
*lunch at times
*romance with the dumb machine
*all alone walks and travels
Loneliness fucked me a lot
But loneliness teahes u sumthing.. am not sure what i learnt but sumthign outta it i cud feel...
Came home this weekend only to see mumbai blasting and chennai floating..
yes Mumbai blasts and chennai floats.. CNN IBnj wud definitely ahd high TRPs these days...Had to seee the hopeless and homeless peole abandoned due to blasts and rains and slowly my bitterness towards life and job reduced...
but y the hell when we compared to sumthing yuk than ourlife/ job we get compromised... after humans what can we do or I do
Thanks god compared to them...I have a home and a good job that keeps me ina position where i am now..
Arrey what is this am i cribbing.............. someone help me get outta this
Someone there?????