It was for few reasons that I had opted for a transfer to Hyderabad, Infy Hyderabad. Always it had been a very great challenge for me to stay away from home withjout certain things.. be it the supportive and caring family, my comfortable zone, food etc..
But it was a time to start to a new place which I was not even visited once in my lifetime. I donno what dragged me to the pearl city but it was all set to leave. i had no other options left out rather going there. So started hyderabad with heavy hearted. Its true i guess whenever u could not express your feeling through words tears speaks it all for u....
Reached hyd, dhinesh picked me at the bus stop and took me to his flat. Already 5 people were sharin the flat and now I am overburden there.
Life it all sucks......... it was seemed to be hard there without family, my very own home sweet home....I missed a lot like anything... fucking time
Be it the bed cofee mom gave me everyday, lovable breakfast, cheered up faces, chit chats all came b4 my eyes and my eyes got filled with more than it could hold the amount of water...
I still remembered taht i always used to fight with my sis possessing my room and i always try not to get otehrs into my room... always i had stressed My room , my room... but now where is that so called My room... ha ha whatte lessons..
What a monotonous routin .. have to get up like a mad dog, make my hot water to bath, brush, managing to get some breakfast at andhra horrible mess or Infy canteen or britannia biscuit and boost of course.. it was the secret of my energy at that time..and ofcourse lunch time will come , fuck i had no any crap option rather eating at infy food court. Most of the time avoided lunch. Dhinesh used to bring me lunch sometimes cooked by himself and dinner ofcourse bread and biscuits again or noodles.. thanks for maggi, top ramen etc
I even tried cooking cooking .. OMG it was total comedy cum tragedy...I donno how mom manage to cook at home.. trust i cooked a potato fry for 1.5 hrs
i always wondered whether separation would really make a person sick yes ofcourse it is so i guess .. sickoning really.. I felt i burnt my ass myself
I could see many people left their hoem and adapting to a room or mansion culture for the sake of the job they do.. i always wondered y is it so tough to gain our dailyhood compensating so much stuffs.. is that reeally necessary to compensate.. i donno... leaving family,friends workign somewhere which u are not even familiar with and neither the language... but one thing to say when everyone do so why ws it so tough for me alone.......Is it that for me alone/everyone feels so/ am I being so kiddish that i coudnt accept the reality.......... hell with those thing.. let it be any crap
Trust me the very first day i went there i jsut felt like when I wud get rid off this place.. I was literally crying........hmmm fucking time had the power of converting u to get used to the situations.. slowly i got used to the so called life style
* late night sleep
*no bed coffee at all
*hardly some breakfast
Phone conversations with mom and da
*chat converstations thru net.. thanska ton to gtalk,yahoo messenger etc
*lunch at times
*romance with the dumb machine
*all alone walks and travels
Loneliness fucked me a lot
But loneliness teahes u sumthing.. am not sure what i learnt but sumthign outta it i cud feel...
Came home this weekend only to see mumbai blasting and chennai floating..
yes Mumbai blasts and chennai floats.. CNN IBnj wud definitely ahd high TRPs these days...Had to seee the hopeless and homeless peole abandoned due to blasts and rains and slowly my bitterness towards life and job reduced...
but y the hell when we compared to sumthing yuk than ourlife/ job we get compromised... after humans what can we do or I do
Thanks god compared to them...I have a home and a good job that keeps me ina position where i am now..
Arrey what is this am i cribbing.............. someone help me get outta this
Someone there?????
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Trip to Ooty
We set out on a tour to Ooty , by oct first week . The word we means some my college frends incuding ragz,reuban,selva,leelu,suren,prassu,sam,priyan,jana and myself.
We took coimbatore express adn reached coimbatore and then took a cab to ooty.
We visited thodabetta,pykara,ooty lake, ane few other places
Monday, September 29, 2008
CME day celebrations & Family day celebrations

Last Friday we celebrated CME day at Infosys. It was fully a fun filled event that day.
The practise sessions were so funny. We danced for a medley of chinamma,yammadi and rukmani as a folk one and western comprised of ada gada and bachna ae haseeno.
Then the gradn finale song was another medley comprising of Lucky boy, naaka mooka, pappu cant dance sala and atelugu song.. esply the telugu song was a full funny..
Our folk performance was not that good as i already knew.. it was of liek OK kinda performance.. since we werent comfortable with the costume and we also had lot of feedback regarding the sodhapals.. fine lets make it big(nice) next time
Western was good except for some few mistake... the finale song was too good of all the dances but it seemed to be lil clumsy i guess......
Saturday happened to perform for Family day celebrations , for which we repeated the same dance we performed for Mcity day.. same partner song and taxi taxi fusion and naaka mooka...
the first one i did wel.. naaka mooka i learrnt it only the day b4 the event so was not that confident.. seemed to be not sure of the steps and did few mistakes
My mom, my best critic for whatever i do gave lots a comments for both the performances and finally rated as 8 and 6 for both the dances in order...
Family visited infy,shols for the family day celebrations...
Dark knight film was screened at infy on that day..
Received many appreciations, few negative comments, few criticism... though we made it.. it wud make up our potential and help us to do better next time..
hoope to perform soon...
The practise sessions were so funny. We danced for a medley of chinamma,yammadi and rukmani as a folk one and western comprised of ada gada and bachna ae haseeno.
Then the gradn finale song was another medley comprising of Lucky boy, naaka mooka, pappu cant dance sala and atelugu song.. esply the telugu song was a full funny..
Our folk performance was not that good as i already knew.. it was of liek OK kinda performance.. since we werent comfortable with the costume and we also had lot of feedback regarding the sodhapals.. fine lets make it big(nice) next time
Western was good except for some few mistake... the finale song was too good of all the dances but it seemed to be lil clumsy i guess......
Saturday happened to perform for Family day celebrations , for which we repeated the same dance we performed for Mcity day.. same partner song and taxi taxi fusion and naaka mooka...
the first one i did wel.. naaka mooka i learrnt it only the day b4 the event so was not that confident.. seemed to be not sure of the steps and did few mistakes
My mom, my best critic for whatever i do gave lots a comments for both the performances and finally rated as 8 and 6 for both the dances in order...
Family visited infy,shols for the family day celebrations...
Dark knight film was screened at infy on that day..
Received many appreciations, few negative comments, few criticism... though we made it.. it wud make up our potential and help us to do better next time..
hoope to perform soon...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Cubicle Decoration at Infy
Today cubicle decoration event took place at Infy as a part of CME day celebrations.
we handled the theme Pirates at Work(Pirates of Carribean)
we handled the theme Pirates at Work(Pirates of Carribean)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Mcity day celebrations
Sept 4th .. infy mcity turned 3 years old and the annual DC heads meet was scheduled on the same day.. There was a cake cuttign functionand questionaire followed by our dance performances...
We a group of 11 members performed on M city day celebration from shols.. myself,jai,suha,sudhakar,sagar,venky,pooja,chayya,aisha,nandha,priya.
Flyerz choreod for the event and unnale Unnale fame Sathish was our choreographer along with subhash.
Jodi No 1 season 3 contestants Sanjay and pooja were also trained at Flyerz .. a sweet moment with them is shared above
The event was fun filled.. i messed up at few places but it was a nice performance.. we performed for soniye nakde and taxi taxi medley and naaka mooka..
The best theing is our CEO Kris came down and appreciated for the performance..we were liek dumbstruck and didnt even responded witha thanks coz we cudn say a work since a CEO of the company and that too Infy CEo coming down and appreciating us OMG... mem event.. few of the DC heads too appreciated inperson during the dinner
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Evam conducts Hindu Metroplus Theatre Festival

Very happy to be a part of Hindu Metro Plus Theatre festival..
Evam conducts the theatre festival at Lady Andal campus with the help of hindu metroplus...Theatre groups from various parts of the world are invited to show case theri plays.
Fun to the core we enjoyed there... met so many people got introduced tomany of new friends.. Had the opportunity to strike one to one conversation with many celebrities such as Revathy, Lekha washington, anandha Kannan, jagan, girish karnad etc etc...
The promotion which we did had pulled many people to the show..
met one of my school teacher at the campus.. and few of my colleagues have been there to see the play..
It started on Aug 1st and gonna end up by Aug 10th ...
Evam conducts the theatre festival at Lady Andal campus with the help of hindu metroplus...Theatre groups from various parts of the world are invited to show case theri plays.
Fun to the core we enjoyed there... met so many people got introduced tomany of new friends.. Had the opportunity to strike one to one conversation with many celebrities such as Revathy, Lekha washington, anandha Kannan, jagan, girish karnad etc etc...
The promotion which we did had pulled many people to the show..
met one of my school teacher at the campus.. and few of my colleagues have been there to see the play..
It started on Aug 1st and gonna end up by Aug 10th ...
Friday, August 1, 2008
PPP family left :(
PK,Priyanka,prani and uncle started to their country denmark yesterday.. The flight was scheduled to departure by 12 :15.. but after 10 mins delay the flight started..So sad...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Family Get together
Last Weekend was stupendous , full of enjoyment, happiness to the core. After a very long time our family members ( most of them ) came for the weekend and stayed for 3 days.. All it was fun and frolic. Thaatha,Paati,Prami and her husband, Kans and her husband, mohan anna adn babi anni,Priyanka,Pranee, Rahul, mom , dad,durga,myself and top of all my dear lil dolly Mokshi were at our home.
We planned to go out somewhere which did not worked out..
We planned to go out somewhere which did not worked out..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Birthdays' Day
Ha ha Teachers' day , Friends' day, Mothers' day .. have heard about that..but birthdays' day sounding too funny ? but its fact..
July 23rd OMG how many people will share their b day on this day
Few of them are Ramesh Anna, Kavi , jana , shakthi, etc
Had too many cake cutting yesterday .. kavi, jana, ramesh anna .. sad couldnt attend shakthi's
b'day.. she is in cochin :( for her b day...
but b4 all these one imp person's b day came , which didnt even wished since we were in a family trip at rameshwaram.. Its none other than one of ma best friend nathiya... So sad.. Forgive me nathiya! Pls Pls..
Ramesh Anna Birthday
Yesterday it was Ramesh Anna's Birthday...
I got him two Auburn Hill branded shirts for him. We went to Ascendas building ,had burgers and fried chicken at mc Donalds and KFC and then we got a cake.
A small cake cuttign function at his home after a very long time.. i havent heeard that he had cut cake b4 for his b day.
Then we started to maayajaal to watch The Dark Knight.. but so sad we cudnt manage to get the tickets since there were no any shows at the time when we went so we went to dasavatharam second time. Reached home by 1........ I was dozing off liek anythign while reaching home .. to the core such that i fell down in the steps
I got him two Auburn Hill branded shirts for him. We went to Ascendas building ,had burgers and fried chicken at mc Donalds and KFC and then we got a cake.
A small cake cuttign function at his home after a very long time.. i havent heeard that he had cut cake b4 for his b day.
Then we started to maayajaal to watch The Dark Knight.. but so sad we cudnt manage to get the tickets since there were no any shows at the time when we went so we went to dasavatharam second time. Reached home by 1........ I was dozing off liek anythign while reaching home .. to the core such that i fell down in the steps
Monday, July 21, 2008
Rameswaram Trip
Saturday we set out to Rameswaram for a family trip..
Our family, Thaatha family, Pramila akks family.
We started from Egmore station by Rameswaram express and reached the next day morning 5. Lodged and refreshed. Started to the tempoly by 6. First we bathed in the sea. It was a custom that we have to leave some things in the rameswaram sea which was the main thing to do there which i forgot to do... am always what i am stupid absent minded fello... got good scolding for that...Forget it
Then we headed to the temple.. There were 22 theerthams (22 well) in the temple. We got showered with all the theerthams adn had a dharshan with fully wet dresses. It was quite different from other dharshans.. Very good experience
Then we went to Ramar Paadham, Paamban Bridge, A Crystal c lear sea shore, Park and then atlast to Dhanushkodi.
We reached a place from where our native sri lanka was jsut 11 Kms away..
Hmm damn good place...
The Magnificient - his highness kamal Haasan
Hurray atlast watched the movie Dasavatharam for which i was waitign for a long time to see.
Wow Whatte movie it was... What a great short
Set of happenings beautifully linked with lotsa fun and frolic..
There was nothing a big concept in the movie but the lighter one which we never feel often in our day to day life..
Whatever happens , happens so for a reason ...for sure.............!!!
I guess a Asin was used less in this movie .. she could have been given more importance inteh movie.. she barely utters dialogues except "Aiyo Perumaley"..
Atlast in our language.. "A cut above all the others"
Wow Whatte movie it was... What a great short
Set of happenings beautifully linked with lotsa fun and frolic..
There was nothing a big concept in the movie but the lighter one which we never feel often in our day to day life..
Whatever happens , happens so for a reason ...for sure.............!!!
I guess a Asin was used less in this movie .. she could have been given more importance inteh movie.. she barely utters dialogues except "Aiyo Perumaley"..
Atlast in our language.. "A cut above all the others"
Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na
It was one week exactly ago from today ...
I happened to stay at Ramesh anna's residence who got shifted completely from Bangalore..
Yeh he had promised to give a treat for gettign a new job at Bally Electronics in chennai.
So i took him for a movie at Mayajaal.......Obviously a good movie which was avaialable at that time was JTYJN...
The movie was too good.. Charecterization and the screenplay was too good... esplly all the characters Jai, Aditi, Jiggy, Rodlu, Bums, reflects a lot of us.
Movie got over by 10 30... searched for dinner throught out the ECR which was of no use at all..
Even Kebab Court at ECR was closed .. so had our dinner at ascendas buildign and reached home safely.
Since i was lil bit busy cudn update soon...
I happened to stay at Ramesh anna's residence who got shifted completely from Bangalore..
Yeh he had promised to give a treat for gettign a new job at Bally Electronics in chennai.
So i took him for a movie at Mayajaal.......Obviously a good movie which was avaialable at that time was JTYJN...
The movie was too good.. Charecterization and the screenplay was too good... esplly all the characters Jai, Aditi, Jiggy, Rodlu, Bums, reflects a lot of us.
Movie got over by 10 30... searched for dinner throught out the ECR which was of no use at all..
Even Kebab Court at ECR was closed .. so had our dinner at ascendas buildign and reached home safely.
Since i was lil bit busy cudn update soon...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Mysore-Bangalore trip
We planned to visit Mysore and Bangalore well b4 PPP arrived India. We had booked our tickets in Kaveri Express. Atlast Friday night we were all set to Mysore. Reached the next day morning.First we thought of visiting my Office campus ( Infosys Mysore) .. but for no reason we visited the Mysore Palace first and then followed by Our Infy Campus. PPP and my Grandparens were too excited seeing the Office campus. I could not believe my ears that i heard a word from Praneetha uttering that the Infosys campus at mysore is the best and neat place in India..
Below are the pictures of Multiplex, Swimming pool at ECC , lawns at Infosys Campus mysore.

Back to training days... roamed around the campus with this dumb machine day and night.. sweet memories......
Prani iis always proud abt of her own country Denmark where she had born and brought up for these many years.
She always have the habit of complaining about Indian atmosphere, Road side traffic an d pollutions, Untidiness in the social places, Crowds and ofcourse biting mosquitoes.. my goodness you wont believe she has hell lot of lists to go like this... But all time she made these like comments with a stupid gesture we always have buffawed at her.
This is new GEC 2 , the largest training centre in the world gettign constructed..majesty lies here...full of roman/greek style looks like colloseum..
So it was too hard to hear from her that a place in India is worth too good atleast to that extent. They all liked the multiplex a lot and wanted atleast to see a movie there .. but due to time restrictions we just had to start and then we visited the Balmuri falls on the way to KRS dam. It was so nice to see such a beautiful places where always our tamil cinema shooting had happened from ages with actors like ramarajan and gowthami.........

And then we moved ahead to Brindavan.. The same old green stuufs, all that artifical fountains and that musical fountain esplly... hey give me a break atleast there is some green stuffs to see unlike chennai...

The next day we moved to bangalore thru a volvo deluxe. I wondered crazily provided traveling thru volvo bus my dear cousins were that much tired as if they did traveled thru a bullock cart.. crazy Foreign people.. I hate that ... esplly their gestures and too esplly when u ask is something ok with them...

We visited vidhan soudha, Iskon Krishna temple.. Man a man made piece it is.. too good the temple was.. even thought it was my time to that temple it always fascinates me as if that was firsst time i am ever seeign the temple in my life..and then we moved on to a relatives place at Mathekere and ten finally to shoppping malls.. had a royal dinner at Ramesh anna's house
Atlast took the chennai express train at 11 30. Reached chennai next day morning...
Below are the pictures of Multiplex, Swimming pool at ECC , lawns at Infosys Campus mysore.
Prani iis always proud abt of her own country Denmark where she had born and brought up for these many years.
She always have the habit of complaining about Indian atmosphere, Road side traffic an d pollutions, Untidiness in the social places, Crowds and ofcourse biting mosquitoes.. my goodness you wont believe she has hell lot of lists to go like this... But all time she made these like comments with a stupid gesture we always have buffawed at her.
So it was too hard to hear from her that a place in India is worth too good atleast to that extent. They all liked the multiplex a lot and wanted atleast to see a movie there .. but due to time restrictions we just had to start and then we visited the Balmuri falls on the way to KRS dam. It was so nice to see such a beautiful places where always our tamil cinema shooting had happened from ages with actors like ramarajan and gowthami.........
And then we moved ahead to Brindavan.. The same old green stuufs, all that artifical fountains and that musical fountain esplly... hey give me a break atleast there is some green stuffs to see unlike chennai...
The next day we moved to bangalore thru a volvo deluxe. I wondered crazily provided traveling thru volvo bus my dear cousins were that much tired as if they did traveled thru a bullock cart.. crazy Foreign people.. I hate that ... esplly their gestures and too esplly when u ask is something ok with them...
We visited vidhan soudha, Iskon Krishna temple.. Man a man made piece it is.. too good the temple was.. even thought it was my time to that temple it always fascinates me as if that was firsst time i am ever seeign the temple in my life..and then we moved on to a relatives place at Mathekere and ten finally to shoppping malls.. had a royal dinner at Ramesh anna's house
Atlast took the chennai express train at 11 30. Reached chennai next day morning...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
PPP arrival
hurray! today Pramila akka with her two daughters priyanka and praneetha arrived India from Denmark.they missed a baggage at brussels.hope we get it back soon
Cleared my Certifications for the first cycle
I cleared my certification tests on domain specific Oss/Bss. First certification course i cleared in infosys. Should clear one more for the second cycle and its technical. Fortunately or unfortunately its again JAVA.............................
Monday, June 23, 2008
Surya's B'day
It was Surya's B day on 22 nd of june.. Even Actor Vijay celebrated his b day on that day.. On account of surya's b day she took us to ascendas for a treat. A big time we had there...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Amirthanandamayi Pooja at Palani's house

Saturday Eve was too good at palani's house... they have arranged for a special pooja.Myself and Durga went for the pooja... OMG Pal gave me a book to chant some mantras..Trust me i didnt chanted .. of course durga chanted all mantras with utmost sinceretiy .. didnt even moved from her place for nearly 2 hrs... i couldnt resist myself from getting up... Aunt noted that myslef and palani were discussing something while others were chanting mantras................
he he... atlast the final thing ...for what we (oops I) went ..........Its Dinnner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The menu was
Schezwan Veg Fried Rice
Veg Koftha
Pav Bhaji
Dahi Poori
Idiyaapam kootu
Tooo yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... next tiem Kuzhi paniyaram..aunty promised me
he he... atlast the final thing ...for what we (oops I) went ..........Its Dinnner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The menu was
Schezwan Veg Fried Rice
Veg Koftha
Pav Bhaji
Dahi Poori
Idiyaapam kootu
Tooo yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... next tiem Kuzhi paniyaram..aunty promised me
Zee News Auditions
Last Saturday was the auditions for the Zee news channel...
My goodness reading Tamil scripts after full complete 5 years... lots of mistakes when i read for the first time..Anyways manged without a mistake while the audition..
11 members were there for the audition... too tough to get thru i guess and that too one fello was there who had a great voice as like FM fame Saroj Narayanasamy..
Godddddddddddddddd.....................saave meeeeeeeeee
My goodness reading Tamil scripts after full complete 5 years... lots of mistakes when i read for the first time..Anyways manged without a mistake while the audition..
11 members were there for the audition... too tough to get thru i guess and that too one fello was there who had a great voice as like FM fame Saroj Narayanasamy..
Godddddddddddddddd.....................saave meeeeeeeeee
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mind blowing Arabic music
Here's one mindblowing
Arabic no by stellamara..Bet u ll definitely like it
Arabic no by stellamara..Bet u ll definitely like it
Project party with Infy team mates at Barbeque Nation

Hey we had a great project party for the quarter getting Barbeque Nation T.Nagar...
Wow what a restaurant man... What an ambience.......superb!!!... most interesting thing is that they play arabic music there which is one of my most likeable genre of music.
Actress nalini had turned out there on that fie eeve... Ashvin was just pulling Anand's leg such that anand was so eager to see nalini... he he he... just kidding.
Food was good....had a great time there.
Guys whoever check this post pls try out an eve at this woderful place.
Auditions For Zee network
Its a great news that Zee Network is stepping into another dimension.........yes Now Zee tv is in Tamil.........Zee tamizh.............a new network of channels are gonna be out
I had an opportunity to take part n th Zee music VJ auditions... Last week the auditions were held at T Nagar. Did my best the co ordinator liked it.. The Sun Tv Neengal kaettavai Fame Vijayasarathi is the chief co- ord i guess in Zee tamizh now... Hope he has to select....Again yest i got a call from Zee news for Zee NJ auditons... Probably i may go for the audition on coming sat.........
Lemme hope everything goes fine....
I had an opportunity to take part n th Zee music VJ auditions... Last week the auditions were held at T Nagar. Did my best the co ordinator liked it.. The Sun Tv Neengal kaettavai Fame Vijayasarathi is the chief co- ord i guess in Zee tamizh now... Hope he has to select....Again yest i got a call from Zee news for Zee NJ auditons... Probably i may go for the audition on coming sat.........
Lemme hope everything goes fine....
TANCET results out
Atlast got my TANCET results........... an average result... not sure which college i wud be able to get into... not definitely into PSG or Anna university.... A big confusion whether to survive in
Infosys as a softwware Enggr / MBA at abroad / MBA in chennai................. all money that matters... well couldn come to a strong conclusion...lemme give it some time.......will update on my higher studies in near future.
Infosys as a softwware Enggr / MBA at abroad / MBA in chennai................. all money that matters... well couldn come to a strong conclusion...lemme give it some time.......will update on my higher studies in near future.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kaaraikudi trip

It was valli akk's bro''s marraige... a kaaraikudi chettinad maariage... was enthused a lot well b4 a week time for the marriage to go. Atlast we started on thursday night.. myself, shakthi na, paaru aunty and raja anna started to kandanoor, Kaaraikudi by Innova.. Good journey it was.
We had to stay in Pal's (my friend) house.. a usual chettinad house which runs for many grounds..
What should i say house??????? Palace??????????? Monument Gallery???????
Someone kindly help me out to decide so as to name it..........such a nice place
The broad thinnai, Muttram, 4 sides lane with rooms on 2 floors, Auditorium, Amphi theatre, treasury etc............ no word to express.. just see the pics may be u ll get a good idea.
Morning we went to the marriage..It was too different from our usual city life marriages.. Lots of customs.. he he he even valli akka did lot of customs for the bride. It was too good to watch it.. aunty explained each and everything ..........
Then we set out to Pillayarpatty and Kunnakudi and then vayyakarai and then reached home..
We also had the chance to visit P.C 's house... (P.Chidambaram H'ble Finance Minister) Wow it was too good.
Then we attended the eve function ........... Food esplly was too good..Chettinad samayal..
Then we started to chennai......meanwhile my cousins from trichy had arrived chennai b4 i reached chennai.. had lot of fun... too good weekend
We had to stay in Pal's (my friend) house.. a usual chettinad house which runs for many grounds..
What should i say house??????? Palace??????????? Monument Gallery???????
Someone kindly help me out to decide so as to name it..........such a nice place
The broad thinnai, Muttram, 4 sides lane with rooms on 2 floors, Auditorium, Amphi theatre, treasury etc............ no word to express.. just see the pics may be u ll get a good idea.
Morning we went to the marriage..It was too different from our usual city life marriages.. Lots of customs.. he he he even valli akka did lot of customs for the bride. It was too good to watch it.. aunty explained each and everything ..........
Then we set out to Pillayarpatty and Kunnakudi and then vayyakarai and then reached home..
We also had the chance to visit P.C 's house... (P.Chidambaram H'ble Finance Minister) Wow it was too good.
Then we attended the eve function ........... Food esplly was too good..Chettinad samayal..
Then we started to chennai......meanwhile my cousins from trichy had arrived chennai b4 i reached chennai.. had lot of fun... too good weekend
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