It was valli akk's bro''s marraige... a kaaraikudi chettinad maariage... was enthused a lot well b4 a week time for the marriage to go. Atlast we started on thursday night.. myself, shakthi na, paaru aunty and raja anna started to kandanoor, Kaaraikudi by Innova.. Good journey it was.
We had to stay in Pal's (my friend) house.. a usual chettinad house which runs for many grounds..
What should i say house??????? Palace??????????? Monument Gallery???????
Someone kindly help me out to decide so as to name it..........such a nice place
The broad thinnai, Muttram, 4 sides lane with rooms on 2 floors, Auditorium, Amphi theatre, treasury etc............ no word to express.. just see the pics may be u ll get a good idea.
Morning we went to the marriage..It was too different from our usual city life marriages.. Lots of customs.. he he he even valli akka did lot of customs for the bride. It was too good to watch it.. aunty explained each and everything ..........
Then we set out to Pillayarpatty and Kunnakudi and then vayyakarai and then reached home..
We also had the chance to visit P.C 's house... (P.Chidambaram H'ble Finance Minister) Wow it was too good.
Then we attended the eve function ........... Food esplly was too good..Chettinad samayal..
Then we started to chennai......meanwhile my cousins from trichy had arrived chennai b4 i reached chennai.. had lot of fun... too good weekend
We had to stay in Pal's (my friend) house.. a usual chettinad house which runs for many grounds..
What should i say house??????? Palace??????????? Monument Gallery???????
Someone kindly help me out to decide so as to name it..........such a nice place
The broad thinnai, Muttram, 4 sides lane with rooms on 2 floors, Auditorium, Amphi theatre, treasury etc............ no word to express.. just see the pics may be u ll get a good idea.
Morning we went to the marriage..It was too different from our usual city life marriages.. Lots of customs.. he he he even valli akka did lot of customs for the bride. It was too good to watch it.. aunty explained each and everything ..........
Then we set out to Pillayarpatty and Kunnakudi and then vayyakarai and then reached home..
We also had the chance to visit P.C 's house... (P.Chidambaram H'ble Finance Minister) Wow it was too good.
Then we attended the eve function ........... Food esplly was too good..Chettinad samayal..
Then we started to chennai......meanwhile my cousins from trichy had arrived chennai b4 i reached chennai.. had lot of fun... too good weekend
Hey u left our vairavan kovil !!
hmmm.. it was a gud time - v had.... v covered almost everythng in jus 1 day !!!
yeah............oh i forgot the name of that temple...anyways tks for reminding me..
yeah it was great trip indeed..
we were much active right so only we were able to finish everythign in a single day..
Fro god sake coem and tell my mom about my activeness.. she never ever believes am an active person.. always complainign that am too lazyyyyyyyyy
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